
An online worship service is now available to watch on demand, based on the Reformation Day order of worship previously shared with member churches of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC).

“The rainbow of the Reformation was seen in the midst of struggle, of a person posing questions to the church, challenging structures, practices and allowing his spirituality to speak to daily life, to look at the society and ask, ‘What does the Lord require from me as a person dedicated to serve the church?'” said WCRC President Najla Kassab in the service’s sermon.

“To be Reformed is a way of thinking that journeys with us every day, to be the church in the public square and stand with the struggling. To give our life to the struggle of all those who are hurting, sharing the gospel with them and standing with their struggle and pain as an act of faith,” Kassab said in her sermon.

The order of worship—“Being Reformed in a Time of COVID-19 and Beyond”—is available to download in English, French, German, and Spanish from the Reformation Day webpage, which also features the worship service.

“We invite you to celebrate Reformation Day in 2021 together. We would rejoice if, on 31 October, we could share our doubts and questions, express our gratitude to God’s graceful guidance and renew our commitment to God’s mission in as many churches as possible,” said Kassab and the Collegial General Secretariat in a letter of invitation to member churches to use the liturgy or watch the service.