WCRC shares Reformation Day worship service
An online worship service is now available to watch on demand, based on the Reformation Day order of worship previously shared with member churches of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC). “The rainbow of the Reformation was seen in the midst of struggle, of a person posing questions to the church, challenging structures, practices […]
WCRC to celebrate Reformation Day globally
The World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) has invited its members to use a common order of worship and/or watch an online worship service to mark Reformation Day on 31 October. The order of worship—“Being Reformed in a Time of COVID-19 and Beyond”—is available to download in English, French, German, and Spanish from the Reformation […]
Reformation encourages accountability
Happy Reformation Day! From the streets of Beirut, in the midst of a devolution I greet you today as we remember and celebrate Reformation Day. One of the strongest lessons that the Reformation taught us is accountability—that leaders and every person is held accountable in front of the community. There is no authority that is […]
Middle Eastern church leaders gather to celebrate Reformation
Amman, Jordan – “When the West looks at Christianity of the East, they don’t look at the mosaic, they look at the Orthodox, not the Evangelicals,” said Habib Badr of the Evangelical Church of Beirut (Lebanon). This describes the environment which Middle Eastern Evangelicals are living, in the shadows of and looking toward the future […]
Domingo de la Reforma
El año 2013 marca el 450.º aniversario del Catecismo de Heidelberg. En conmemoración de esta fecha importante en la historia de la iglesia reformada, la CMIR ha publicado un cuadernillo con información sobre los antecedentes históricos y teológicos del catecismo, un orden de culto, notas para sermones, ideas para estudios bíblicos y un artículo que […]
Dimanche de la Réformation procurer
2013 marque le 450ème anniversaire du Catéchisme de Heidelberg. En l’honneur de cette date importante de l’histoire réformée, la CMER publie un livret présentant des informations sur le contexte historique et théologique du Catéchisme et comportant en outre un ordre du service, des notes de prédication, des idées d’étude biblique et un article faisant le […]
Reformation Sunday brochure
2013 marks the 450th anniversary of the Heidelberg Catechism. In honour of this important date in Reformed church history, WCRC is publishing a booklet with information on the catechism’s historical and theological background, an order of service, sermon notes, ideas for Bible study and an article that relates the Heidelberg Catechism to WCRC’s Accra Confession. […]