
The member churches of the WCRC are the life bread of the organization. If your church is interested in becoming a member of the WCRC, please consider the following:

  • Churches of the Congregational, Presbyterian, Reformed, United and Uniting, Waldensian and other First Reformation traditions are eligible for membership.
  • Member churches affirm the WCRC Constitution (English, Español, Français, Deutsch).
  • It is national churches that can become members of WCRC, not individual congregations.
  • Member churches are expected to join in achieving the aims and purposes of the WCRC by, among other things, participating in meetings, taking seriously its actions and decisions, and engaging in its collective work.
  • WCRC members also support the work of the organization through an annual financial contribution reflecting the resources and membership of that church. The General Council or the Executive Committee sets a minimum contribution requirement for all member churches, associate and affiliate members.
  • There is a minimum contribution fee of at least 380 euros per year as a membership obligation. The exact amount will only be determined if your church has been approved as a new member. This amount is calculated per a system which includes a range of factors, including your country’s GDP and the size and membership of your church.


The decision as to the acceptance of your church or organization into the Communion rests with the Constitution and Membership Committee, which typically meets once a year. This committee then makes its recommendation to the Executive Committee. The General Council then ratifies new members by a two-thirds majority of ballots cast. New members cannot vote on the ratification of their own membership.

Applications for membership need to be made to the office of the general secretary no later than six months before a General Council meeting.

If you think you would qualify and are interested, kindly download and review the conditions for membership and application questionnaire form:


To apply, please send the following to

  1. Completed application questionnaire
  2. A brief church history or copy of your church’s constitution
  3. Your church’s statement of faith
  4. Two (2) letters of recommendation from already existing WCRC member churches (preferably from your region)


Please note that only churches in good standing with current member churches will qualify for membership. Please also keep in mind that only fully complete applications will be considered.