Ordination of Women

At the 2017 General Council in Leipzig, Germany, the WCRC adopted a Declaration of Faith on Women’s Ordination, which begins: “God, through the Holy Spirit, calls both women and men to participate fully in all the ministries of the church.”

The declaration testifies to the WCRC’s belief that women and men are created equally in the image of God and that they therefore should be treated with equal respect and dignity. It testifies to the profound unity of all who have been baptized. It testifies to Christians’ experience over centuries that God has been calling both women and men to ministries of spiritual leadership and granting them the gifts and graces to carry out those roles. In some of the cultural contexts in which WCRC churches live today, this declaration goes against the prevailing ethos. Thus faithful Christians are often called to be countercultural.

Theological integrity and justice require that WCRC member churches in solidarity courageously declare their commitment to assure that both women and men have equal standing to reflect their common incorporation into the body of Christ in baptism and service.

WCRC member churches pledge that their common practice will be to welcome into ordained ministry women who experience that call and who demonstrate the gifts necessary for leadership and service in church ministries. Their placement and any compensation will be determined on the same basis as for men.

Support for Women in Ministry

The WCRC also supports women who are working to become ministers through its Theological Education Scholarship Fund for Women in the South and recognizes women of distinction through the Sylvia Michel Prize.

Download the Declaration of Faith on Women’s Ordination:

For those member churches that do not yet ordain women as ministers, the WCRC will provide support and accompaniment as they consider this declaration.