
The WCRC is funded by contributions from its member churches and church agencies. Gifts and grants also come from individuals, congregations, foundations and other sources. Supporters of the WCRC help make a difference in the world by donating to specific funds and scholarships, as well as to the organization as a whole.

Make a donation

Financial reports for the WCRC are available online for the following years (PDFs; in English):


The assets of the Church (and thus the WCRC) have a serving function. The WCRC has thus developed investment guidelines intended to create and manage financial assets according to an ecclesiastical mandate.

If you are interested in financial reports of the WCRC for other years or have any questions about WCRC finances or investments, please don’t hesitate to contact us:

* There was no annual report produced for 2016; instead we invite you to read From Grand Rapids to Leipzig, which presents an overview of the WCRC’s work 2010-2017

** There was no annual report produced for 2020; instead, we invite you to read the several issues of Reformed Communiqué, which detail the work done that year.