
An ecumenical workshop held recently in Matanzas, Cuba, strongly promoted life-affirming epistemologies that can help to envision and construct alternatives to inequitable and destructive socio-economic systems that prevail in today’s world.0215-MatanzasMeeting

“Epistemology” refers to a branch of philosophy concerned with the nature and scope of knowledge.

The workshop participants reflected on how “life-destroying” approaches to life can be unlearned – and a process of “relearning” alternative approaches that nourish the wellbeing of communities and sustain the entire ecological web. 0215Matanzas-Outside

The event, titled Oikotree Workshop on Transformative Education, brought together more than thirty participants from diverse faith traditions, including educators and activists from around the world. The event was sponsored by the World Council of Churches (WCC), the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) and the Council for World Mission (CWM).

The Oikotree movement was initiated by the WCC, WCRC and CWM as an ecumenical space where people may seek solidarity in faith while living in the midst of threats based on oppression, economic injustice and ecological destruction.