Consulta indígena emite “solicitud de diálogo”

Desde su Asamblea General de Unificación, realizada en 2010, la Comunión Mundial de Iglesias Reformadas (CMIR) ha asumido compromisos con los pueblos indígenas que no se han concretado. Un importante paso para rectificar esta situación se dio en una consulta de integrantes indígenas de la Comunión y contrapartes ecuménicas, celebrada a finales de abril bajo […]

Indigenous consultation issues “request to dialogue”

Since its Uniting General Council in 2010, the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) has made commitments to Indigenous peoples that have not been realized. A significant step toward rectifying this situation was made at a consultation of Indigenous members of the Communion and ecumenical partners in late April meeting under the theme, “Repentance, Reconciliation, […]

Tax justice focus of workshop

The quest for tax justice in Latin America was the topic of a workshop hosted by the Latin American Alliance of Presbyterian and Reformed Churches (AIPRAL) at the World Council of Churches 11th Assembly. Moderated by Raíssa Vieira Brasil, a vice-president of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC), the panel included Dora Arce Valentin, […]

GEM School grounds economic justice biblically

The first face-to-face GEM School held since 2019 has opened in Berlin, Germany, with a focus on ecological and feminist economics. The Ecumenical School on Governance, Economics, and Management for an Economy of Life—GEM School—is a program within the New International Financial and Economic Architecture (NIFEA) project. “The pandemic underlined yet again the need for […]

Gender Justice Policy launched at webinar

The World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) launched its new Gender Justice Policy at a webinar which focused on “Why the church needs intersectional feminism.” “This is a special time as we gather to celebrate the launching of the Gender Justice Policy as an empowering document and guiding map on our journey towards lived justice […]

Toolkit equips churches for tax justice

The Zacchaeus Tax Campaign calls for a global tax and economic system that acts like Zacchaeus, the tax collector who repented of his wicked ways, which delivers equity and makes reparation for exploitation and injustice. The campaign advocates for tax justice, addressing social and ecological debts, including reparations for colonialism and slavery, at local, national […]

A life-affirming “degrowth” is possible, economists and theologians find

An online conference “Degrowth – Living Sufficiently and Sustainably” held on 1 October discussed proposals and strategies for moving away from growth-driven and extractive economies to life-affirming systems of sustenance. Speakers and participants looked towards the G20 Leaders’ Summit taking place in late October in Rome with the theme, “People, Planet and Prosperity.” “This conference […]


The 2017 General Council received a call from the Palestinian Christian community to respond to the continuing crisis in their homeland. The assembly responded with Action 55 which states that the General Council: affirms that, with respect to the situation of injustice and suffering that exists in Palestine, and the cry of the Palestinian Christian […]

Ecumenical service opens 2021 Season of Creation

The 2021 Season of Creation opens with an online, live streamed ecumenical prayer service on 1 September at 13:00 (CEST). The Season of Creation runs annually from 1 September, the World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation until 4 October, the feast day of St. Francis of Assisi, during which Christians around the […]