Newest intern combines faith and passion

Priyanka Gloria Gupta brings the combination of a long commitment to her faith and a passion for social justice to the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) as its newest intern. “Participation from my Sunday school yesteryears till present day have prepared me to become a responsible church worker. I wish to further my knowledge […]

New intern focused on gender justice

Modesta Mekeresi trusts that two aspects of who she is — a woman and a theologian — will be the foundation for her work in the coming year with the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC). Being both a theologian and a woman “is rare from where I’m coming from, but I believe it is […]

Lombard Prize winners announced

Essays by three young theologians from the United Kingdom, Brazil, and United States have been selected as winners of the 2022 Lombard Prize. The Prize’s aim is to encourage theological work in the tradition of Reformed thought that responds to challenges of our time, bringing together elements of faith and theology in dialogue with justice […]

WCRC intern hopes to re-visit meaning of communion in time of pandemic

Natalia Tuhuteru, the latest intern to join the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC), has set a goal to engage and learn more about how the pandemic situation redefines the struggles of people around the world on the meaning of what is “normal”—most especially learning how people with disabilities in developing countries find themselves trapped […]

WCRC intern applies academics to real world

Meta Ginting looks forward to applying what she’s learned academically to the real world during her year as an intern at the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC). “As a researcher within the field of religious and cross-cultural studies, both my experience and knowledge will serve the needs of the WCRC,” Ginting says. “I believe […]

New intern, Jessica Bwali, seeks to be a voice to the voiceless

Proverbs 31:25: “She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.”  – “This is totally me!” says our new intern. Jessica grew up in the United Church of Zambia and was baptized at a tender age, she practically participated in all church activities: she was in Sunday school choir […]

God’s call guides young leader

“Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.”—Matthew 25:40 (NRSV) Guided by these verses (and those preceding it), Katalin Szalai, the World Communion of Reformed Churches new intern, sees her year with the WCRC as an […]

New intern brings passion for justice

Abigail Scarlett is planning to make the most of her year-long internship with the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC), focusing on key justice issues. Scarlett, from the United Church of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, brings a degree in environmental biology and a passion for women’s empowerment to the WCRC. “I have always liked […]

“God has a plan,” say interns

Coming from two diverse cultural backgrounds the new interns for the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) began their journey in Hannover, Germany, earlier this month. Eri Yoon and Anam Gill, coming from South Korea and Pakistan respectively, were greeted by the German winter—which, according to them, is not as harsh as they had expected! […]

GIT 2017: A journey of inspiration and renewal from Wuppertal to Leipzig

by Hui Jun Chia “Our time in Wuppertal was an absolutely amazing reality of the beauty of God’s diversity—from the thoughtful setting, to the imaginative worship experiences, courses, exposure visits, to the clear and loving model of leadership provided by our lecturers and coordinators,” said Sanya Beharry. The student minister with the Presbyterian Church of […]