German Reformed Alliance elects new moderator

The Reformed Alliance in Germany (Reformierte Bund) held its General Assembly from 23 to 25 April in Villigst (Westfalia). Delegates of Reformed churches from all parts of the country elected new members to the executive committee, as well as a new moderator for the next 8 years. The focal point of the assembly was the […]

WCRC joins calls for just treatment of migrants

The World Communion of Reformed Churches joins other religious and humanitarian organizations in calling for a just response to the increasing number of people dying while attempting to cross the Mediterranean Sea to seek asylum in Europe. Rt Rev John Chalmers, the moderator of the general assembly of the Church of Scotland, said migrants seeking […]

Church in Transcarpathia serves in faith

The Reformed Church in Transcarpathia has been facing challenging times for most of its existence. Today, it finds itself a double minority—a Protestant church in an Orthodox country and an ethnically Hungarian community in a Slavic nation. While the Ukrainian portion of the Carpathian basin is wedged between Slovakia, Hungary and Romania in Ukraine’s western […]

Änderungen der Staatskirchenverhältnisse in Luxemburg bereiten Sorge

Eine unserer Mitgliedskirchen, die Protestantisch Reformierte Kirche in Luxemburg bittet um Fürbitte und Unterstützung. Nach monatelangen schwierigen Verhandlungen wurden die Beziehungen zwischen dem luxemburgischen Staat und den Glaubensgemeinschaften im Großherzogtum neu geordnet und Ende Januar vertraglich geregelt. Die finanzielle Zuwendung des Staates an die verschiedenen Kirchen wird geringer ausfallen als bisher. Das ist ein Grund […]

Changes in Luxembourg church-state relations cause concern

One of our member churches, the Protestant Reformed Church of Luxembourg, has requested prayer and support. After several months of difficult negotiations, the relationship between the Luxembourg government and the faith groups within the country is being reorganised, and a treaty was signed between the government and faith leaders at the end of January. The […]

Support shown to Reformed church in Ukraine

A WCRC Europe delegation on a solidarity visit to the Reformed Church in Transcarpathia were deeply impressed by the work of the church in the face of immense challenges. “We met a living church,” said Jan-Gerd Heetderks, president of WCRC Europe. “They have an an eye for Biblical traditions and beliefs but also for the […]

Des barrières à la solidarité : la réponse de l’église aux réfugiés

« Pourquoi l’Europe dresse-t-elle de gigantesques barrières ? ». Telle était la question posée lors de la conférence de la section européenne de la CMER sur l’asile et les migrations, organisée à Hanovre, en Allemagne. « C’est un grave problème auquel la région est confrontée » a déclaré Sabine Dressler de l’Alliance réformée. Comment l’église […]

Call for solidarity against re-nationalizing of church property in Romania

The Reformed Church in Hungary has called for prayers for and solidarity with the Transylvanian Reformed Church District (Romania) over issues of property rights. A recent court ruling sets a dangerous legal precedent which could lead to other instances of the re-nationalization of church properties that were returned to their original owners after the fall […]

Calls for prayerful solidarity with Sub-Carpathia

Our sisters and brothers in the Reformed Church in Hungary are calling on us for “prayerful solidarity with the reformed community in Sub-Carpathia,” a part of Ukraine with a large Hungarian population. Our member church in Ukraine, the Reformed Church in Transcarpathia, also has congregations in the region. Hungarian Reformed Church Aid is ready to provide […]