Kassab: The church is called for hospitality

“The coronavirus has created distancing, self-centeredness, fear from the other. It is time for the church to live hospitality, inviting the struggling and marginalized around us,” said Najla Kassab, president of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC), in a presentation over the weekend. She was speaking at the Synod of the Union des Églises […]

WCRC calls for meaningful responses to natural disasters

We know that the whole creation has been groaning in labour pains until now… (Romans 8:22) The recent floods in Germany, the Netherlands, and Belgium have led to a catastrophic loss of life and livelihood. Accounts from member churches in the affected areas speak of a disaster that will take several months to overcome, with […]

Corona learnings focus of European conference

The European region of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC Europe) is pleased to cooperate with the Communion of Protestant Churches in Europe (CPCE) and the Protestant Church of Switzerland (PCS) to jointly host an online conference reflecting on the theological and ethical challenges for churches living with the COVID-19 pandemic. “What can be […]

Sharing session focuses on Europe and global racisms

The World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC)’s “COVID & Beyond” discernment process continues with its next “sharing circle” on Wednesday, 24 February, at 15:00 (CET). The idea of the sharing circle is to express areas of particular urgency in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic and the injustices it exposes and to generate ideas how […]

Christian organizations call for more compassionate EU migration policy

Christian organizations representing 2.8 billion people—about one-third of the world’s population—have released a statement on the dire situation of migrants and refugees in Europe, and they are demanding a more compassionate approach. “Solidarity should be the guiding principle governing migration and particularly refugee reception,” the statement says. “We expect the EU to reject the discourse […]

Global religious leaders urge end to “broken state of European migration”

A dozen global and regional religious organizations, including the World Communion of Reformed Churches and WCRC Europe, released an advocacy statement on the situation of migrants and refugees in Europe that defines their calling as Christians to “welcome the stranger,” and urges the creation of a world in which “we become human together.” “Solidarity should […]

WCRC Europe calls for prayers and encouragement

Dear Sisters and Brothers, In these days we are experiencing great uncertainty. The fight against the spread of the Coronavirus requires measures which have great affects on our daily life. The public life of many European countries is standing still. Experts want us to avoid our social contacts and we are all affected by the […]

WCRC Europe sets priorities, elects leaders

The annual meeting of WCRC Europe, a regional council of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC), focused on the issue of migration, reviewed last year’s General Council and elected new leaders. The meeting opened with the WCRC Europe President Jan-Gerd Heetderks report which reviewed the work of the Steering Committee and prompted discussions on […]

Global Protestant gathering commemorates Czech reformer Jan Hus

By Stephen Brown With prayers, hymns and readings, the Czech reformer Jan Hus has been commemorated at a global assembly of Reformed churches on the anniversary of his being burned at the stake as a heretic on 6 July 1415. Born in Bohemia about 1369, Hus worked for the reform of the church, was then […]

Greek evangelicals welcome refugees

It began with simple acts of hospitality and has since become a life-changing mission. The arrival of thousands upon thousands of Middle Eastern refugees more than a year ago shocked members of the Greek Evangelical Church (GEC) into action. Already assisting fellow Greeks who were struggling through tough economic times, the GEC members couldn’t ignore […]