Funding builds partnerships

Through the Reformed Partnership Fund the World Communion of Reformed Churches provides small grants to member churches to implement strategically impactful, mission-related projects important to the life of a church and its surrounding community, particularly in the Global South. For the past two years, the Partnership Fund has focused on providing support to member churches […]

Mission work in Romania inspires ongoing support

Sometimes an invitation to visit a new place is life-changing. That’s certainly what happened to Jack Ferlino. Nearly 30 years ago, he was invited to go to Romania, and what he witnessed then and in more than a dozen trips since inspired him to make a permanent gift through the World Communion of Reformed Churches […]

Partnership Fund supports churches during pandemic

As the full extent of the COVID-19 pandemic unfolded nearly a year ago, the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC)’s Partnership Fund shifted its focus to providing member churches financial support to deal with the unprecedented crisis. “Throughout our WCRC family we saw our churches both responding to the realities of COVID and all the […]

Flood relief efforts continue in Kerala

Rescue and relief operations continued throughout the weekend in Kerala, India, which has been hit by unprecedented flooding over the last several weeks. According to the BBC, 725,000 people have taken refuge in more than 5600 relief camps while more than 370 people have died in the disaster. The Church of South India (CSI), a […]

Churches engage in Puerto Rico recovery efforts

More than two months after Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico, the island is far from recovered. Miguel Rosa, an intern for the World Communion of Reformed Churches this year, made a visit home to Puerto Rico two weeks ago. With family and friends spread across the island, he was able to see the full impact […]

Cuban farm becomes mission centre

The “Jardin del Eden,” a farm outside of Matanzas, Cuba, was inspired by the biblical image of Genesis 2 that depicts humans as both part of creation and to whom God gave stewardship. And it is through God’s grace and a lot of human work over the last decade that the Demari Project, which includes […]

Reformed Partnership Fund: Rescuing Syrian children

During the five years of the Syrian conflict more than a quarter million Syrians have been killed and 11 million have been forced from their homes, according to the BBC. The United Nations has said that over 5 million refugees have left the country, with more a million seeking refuge in Lebanon. WCRC member churches […]

Aid needed for flood victims

The Church of South India (CSI), a member of the World Communion of Reformed Churches, has issued an urgent appeal for aid as they respond to severe flooding in Tamil Nadu. The WCRC’s Reformed Partnership Fund (RPF) is responding but more support is needed. Local CSI churches and schools responded immediately to needs, opening their […]

Partnership helps Myanmar flood recovery

The worst flooding in decades hit Myanmar (Burma) over the summer, displacing tens of thousands of people and destroying homes, infrastructure and crops. Rain began at the end of June, accelerated in July, when it rained continuously for more than two weeks, and then tropical storm Komen arrived, dumping more than a metre of water […]

Myanmar members seek assistance for flood victims

Severe flooding has hit a large area in Myanmar, impacting more than a third of a million people and causing dozens of deaths. We have heard from several of our member churches in Myanmar who are calling for both spiritual and financial support. The Christian Reformed Church of Myanmar (CRCM) reports that its missionaries in […]