WCRC holding webinar on Korean peace efforts

An ongoing campaign to gather 100 million signatures for peace on the Korean Peninsula will be the focus of a webinar held by the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) on 20 July. Korea Peace Appeal is an international campaign that seeks to amplify voices calling for an end to the Korean War and a […]

Communion mourns passing of Kim Yong-Bok

The World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) mourns the passing of Kim Yong-Bok on 7 April, at the age of 84, from cancer. Kim, an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church of Korea, was a pioneer of Asian theology, particularly Minjung theology. “He reimagined Reformed theology in the Korean context speaking of koinonia and its […]

Need to work together for peace in Korea remains

Participants in a meeting of members and partners of the Ecumenical Forum for Peace, Reunification & Cooperation on the Korean Peninsula (EFK), held online on 25 August, emphasized the need to continue to work together for peace on the Korean Peninsula even amid COVID-19 and challenging political circumstances. Hong-Jung Lee, general secretary of the National […]

WCRC opposes military exercises in Korea

“Some trust in horses and some in chariots, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” —Psalm 20:7 The World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) expresses concern over the United States-South Korea military exercises on the Korean Peninsula. Peace on peninsula and elsewhere cannot be furthered by investment in the weapons of […]

WCRC calls for participation in peace prayer campaign for Korea

The World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) invites its members and all sisters and brothers around the world to join in the ecumenical “70 Days of Prayers – Global Prayer Campaign” for peace on the Korean Peninsula. The campaign will run from 1 March to 15 August, during which hundreds of thousands of people worldwide […]

Ecumenical Forum on Korea presses for peace

The Ecumenical Forum for Peace, Reunification and Development Cooperation on the Korean Peninsula (EFK) met 10-12 July in Bangkok, Thailand. Among the 46 participants from 11 countries were members of the World Communion of Reformed Churches, including General Secretary Chris Ferguson and Hong Jung Lee, WCRC Executive Committee member and general secretary of the National […]

Let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding

The WCRC calls on all its member churches to remember Sunday the 12thof August 2018 as a day of prayer for the peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula. The 15th of August is celebrated as liberation day in Korea, commemorating Korean independence from Japanese colonialism. The 10thGeneral Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Busan, […]

Visit to DMZ recalls conflicts but looks to peace

Whether due to fanaticism, the sheer desire of power or material wealth, the reasons for conflicts have been the same for thousands of years. According to the Heidelberg Institute for International Conflict Research in its “Conflict Barometer 2013,” there were an alarming 400 conflicts worldwide out of which 20 were wars. During the visit to […]

Korean church leaders issue call to pursue peace, lift sanctions

A two-day historic meeting involving church leaders from both the North and South of the Korean Peninsula ended in Geneva with the Ecumenical Forum for Peace, Reunification and Development Cooperation on the Korean Peninsula (EFK) issuing a call to “Seek Peace and Pursue It.” “In order to enhance the political environment for realization of the […]

WCRC welcomes new initiatives for Korean peace

They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore. —Isaiah 2:4 The World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) welcomes the new initiatives for peace in the Korean peninsula and the news coming out of Sentosa Island. […]