Consulta indígena emite “solicitud de diálogo”

Desde su Asamblea General de Unificación, realizada en 2010, la Comunión Mundial de Iglesias Reformadas (CMIR) ha asumido compromisos con los pueblos indígenas que no se han concretado. Un importante paso para rectificar esta situación se dio en una consulta de integrantes indígenas de la Comunión y contrapartes ecuménicas, celebrada a finales de abril bajo […]

Indigenous consultation issues “request to dialogue”

Since its Uniting General Council in 2010, the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) has made commitments to Indigenous peoples that have not been realized. A significant step toward rectifying this situation was made at a consultation of Indigenous members of the Communion and ecumenical partners in late April meeting under the theme, “Repentance, Reconciliation, […]

Indigenous leaders illuminate vision of a new world economy

Indigenous leaders from around the globe shared their vision for a just economy—one that will not usher in genocide, displacement, and exploitation. During a webinar organized through the New International Financial and Economic Architecture initiative (NIFEA), they spoke on the collusion of capitalism, colonialism, and Christianity, and shared how indigenous communities are well-suited to lead […]

Communion dialogue with Anglicans shaped by Indigenous context

The latest gathering of the International Reformed–Anglican Dialogue (IRAD) between the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) and the Anglican Communion was again driven in part by the local context. As at previous meetings of the Dialogue (in India, the United Kingdom and South Africa) the local context gave both welcome and necessary insights to […]

Canadians hear painful stories of abuse in church-run schools

Canadian Christians are hearing painful stories about abuse of aboriginal children in residential schools run by churches. At a public hearing of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC) underway in the city of Montreal this week, former students are telling three aboriginal commissioners about physical, psychological and sexual abuse from teachers and other staff, including […]