Tax justice can renew biblical covenants

Tax justice, including reforming the current tax systems, enacting jubilee, and paying reparations, was the focus of the second 2020 Ecumenical School on Governance, Economics, and Management (GEM School) public webinar. Students and guests were introduced to the Zacchaeus Tax Campaign (#ZacTax), which calls for “a transformation in the global economic system that would, like […]

GEM School panel calls for prophetic action

“We are in the midst of four pandemics, and they are intertwined. The COVID pandemic has revealed more vividly the pandemics of economic injustice, racism, and climate change,” said Cynthia Moe-Lobeda in her presentation to the 2020 GEM School. “This could be the gateway to far more compassionate, just, and ecologically sane ways of structuring […]

500 million Christians urge G20 to fix broken economic architecture

Four global organizations representing some 500 million Christians have written an urgent letter to G20 leaders, calling for them to leave behind the current broken financial architecture and promote a truly just and sustainable recovery: 13 July 2020 The Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors of the Group of 20 (G20) Your Excellencies: Our organizations, […]

Adopt an “Economy of Life” urge global religious groups

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought a new urgency to adopting an “Economy of Life,” and global religious groups that represent millions of people are saying now is the time. In a joint message, the Council of World Mission, Lutheran World Federation, World Communion of Reformed Churches, and World Council of Churches urged governments to bolster […]

Online conference calls for an economy of life in a time of COVID-19 pandemic

The “Economy of Life in a Time of Pandemic” online conference focused on the socio-economic-ecological impacts of the COVID-19 crisis and how it offers the world an opportunity to rethink and reshape financial and economic systems to prioritize the health and well-being of communities and the planet. The conferences brought together some 25 economists, theologians, […]

Building God’s vision of life-in-fullness for all creation at the GEM School 2019

by Lena Cruchley “God’s vision of life-in-fullness for all creation, not just human beings, has never been more threatened than today,” said Rev Dr Seong Won Park of the Gyeongan Theological Seminary in the opening panel of the annual Ecumenical School on Governance, Economics and Management for an Economy of Life (GEM School for short) […]

GEM School students exposed to contextual injustices

“The migrants were just welcomed in that place as Jesus would have been welcomed,” said Manasseh Musa, a GEM School student from Nigeria, while visiting Casa Mambré, a centre for migrants in Mexico City. “It was an eye opener to see a space where everyone is accommodated, a place for relief for everyone facing economic […]

GEM School 2018: “If you are not invited to the table, bring your own chair”

“Economic and ecological injustice is a faith imperative and it is inseparable from the belief in God. Concentration of power in the hands of the few is theologically incorrect,” said Chris Ferguson, general secretary of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) at the opening of the GEM School in Mexico City. The Ecumenical School […]

Panel works for economic and climate justice

The 3rd meeting of the Ecumenical Panel on a New International Financial and Economic Architecture (NIFEA) took place on 21-22 April 21 2018 in New York City to coincide with the United Nations (UN) 3rd Economic and Social Council Forum on Financing for Development in the days immediately following. The panel was called to order […]

Second “ethics and economy” dialogue prepares for G20 in Argentina

A second high-level dialogue continues preparations for advocacy leading up to and during the G20 meeting in 2018 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Religious leaders, theologians, economists, experts in multilateral development agencies and academics are participating and debating the three core topics that are the center of the G20 meeting: sustainable finances, dignified labour and inclusive […]