
Today, on International Women’s Day, we are joining the worldwide efforts to make gender-based violence visible. Today’s movement will take different shapes in different parts of the world, including becoming “A Day Without Women” in some places. But regardless of what form the day takes, it is a call to women and their allies to act together for equity, justice and the human rights of women and all gender-oppressed people. Further, the call is to use this International Women’s Day for a demonstration of economic solidarity. All around the world women will stand together for their rights, safety and equity.

In solidarity with the international movement against gender-based violence, the women of the WCRC’s office in Hannover dedicated the weekly staff worship to pray for survivors of gender-based violence, for women around the world struggling against the many expressions of patriarchal hegemony and also to celebrate the gifts women bring to the human family.

We also give thanks to God for the lives of so many women, those from the Scriptures to those currently part of our Communion—and especially for Salome Twum and Lilly Phiry, now part of the huge cloud of witnesses—all of whom are faithful to the legacy of prophetic tradition in their bold calls and works for justice, reconciliation and peace for all human beings and the whole of creation.