
A series of recent events and judicial decisions in the United States have made divisions within the country over the issue of racism starkly apparent. Our sisters and brothers in the USA are calling for prayer, peaceful protests, and a recommitment to long term actions to promote racial justice in the country.

In the spirit of a worldwide family, called to communion and committed to justice, we are inviting member churches and ecumenical partners to join our sisters and brothers in the USA in their struggles for justice and in prayer and solidarity through messages and expressions of support. “Then you will understand righteousness and justice, as well as integrity, every good course.” (Prov. 2:9)

Here are some of the statements that have been issued over the past few weeks:

Christian Reformed Church in North America
Steven Timmermans, CRCNA executive director, says, “Together we lament and together we commit to work toward ending racism” in an Advent Call to Justice, which includes a number of resources.

Esteban Lugo, director of the CRCNA’s Office of Race Relations, says that the Church Must Speak Out

Reformed Church in America
Tom DeVries, general secretary of the RCA: It’s Time: Responding to Grand Jury Decisions.

Members of the RCA’s African American/Black Council respond to the recent tragedies in Ferguson and New York City with a all for justice and accountability.

Presbyterian Church (USA)
An Advocacy Committee for Racial Ethnic Concerns statement expresses concern about verdict in Michael Brown case

Advocacy as Discipleship: A call for more than judicial remedies to the killing of African American boys and men [PDF] by J. Herbert Nelson, II, director for public

Gradye Parsons, PCUSA stated clerk, responds to Ferguson grand jury decision

United Church of Christ
An Advent Call for Accountability, a letter from 140 leaders of the UCC, including national officers and staff, conference ministers and associates

Geoffrey Black, UCC general minister and president, calls for courage in the struggle for justice and peace