To be Reformed is to be ecumenical,
and unity is a gift from God.
To be Reformed is to be ecumenical. The Reformed understanding of the church transcends the boundaries of any particular church, and sees that God is at work in other Christian traditions.
The WCRC understands that the unity of the church to which the Apostolic Creed testifies is already there. God gives unity as a gift and invites the
church to receive this by reforming itself and its relationships to Christians of other traditions.
The WCRC understands itself as an integral part of the ecumenical movement. The WCRC promotes economic and ecological justice, global peace and reconciliation, and provides Reformed perspectives on church unity.
As an ecumenical communion that participates in God’s mission for the unity of the whole church, the WCRC is guided by the vision of the visible unity of the larger church in its common witness to the world.
Ecumenical Partners
Ecumenical Dialogues
- Anglican Communion
- Lutheran World Federation
- Mennonite World Conference
- Pentecostal World Federation
- Roman Catholic Church
Ecumenical dialogues, partner news, and other resources