Global Initiatives for Peace and Reconciliation: Korean Peninsula

Many of the WCRC’s members and partners promote peace and reconciliation efforts in their contexts. The global office supports this work through a variety of means, including direct funding, accompaniment programs and visitations.

A vast proportion of the Christian community in Korea has Reformed or Presbyterian backgrounds, including the Korean Christian Federation (KCF) in the North, and most Protestant churches in Korea and throughout Northeast Asia are members of the WCRC. They are uniquely placed to be an important voice for peace and reconciliation across the region, including on both sides of the DMZ.

The WCRC works to strengthen the wider process initiated by the World Council of Churches in the 1980s (the so-called “Tozanso Process”) by supporting political, social, and economic initiatives to overcome hostility, distrust, and aggression between the two sides, including the global powers involved.

These initiatives include the Ecumenical Forum for Peace, Reunification and Development Cooperation on the Korean Peninsula (EFK) and the prophetic role that the National Council of Churches in Korea (NCCK) continues to play by unceasingly calling for dialogue over all else.

News and Statements on Korea