
Lombard Christian Reformed Church in the Chicago area joined with Loop Church’s Welcoming the Stranger Mission Community to hold a panel discussion on 22 February titled “Refugees and Public Policy: How Do We Respond Biblically?

The United Church of Canada is asking its members to petition their government to allow refugees facing deportation of the United States to be accepted into Canada.

Refugees related their stories to attendees at the Refugee Alternatives Conference held in Melbourne, Australia.

U.S. and Ghanaian Presbyterian congregations inspire one another through mission partnership

Consultation in Zambia brings United church partners together.

Presbyterian University of East Africa, in Kikuyu, Kenya, may be saved by land sale.

A public letter from interfaith leaders in Colombia calls for peace and expresses “the deep concern and pain caused by the deaths of social leaders, members of the FARC party and their families, and those of so many women and men in our country.”

The participants of the national consultation on Women Doing Theology held in Lahore, Pakistan, affirmed that “equal opportunities for men and women to participate in mission and witness are occasions to rejoice and celebrate the gift of togetherness and the life in its fullness.”

As the World Council of Churches prepares to hold its next Conference on World Mission and Evangelism in Arusha, Tanzania, a special online “virtual” issue of the International Review of Mission gathers articles dealing with African perspectives on mission.