
While staff from the Presbyterian Ministry to the United Nations took to the streets in protest, the PC(USA)’s stated clerk, J. Herbert Nelson, issued two statements regarding the Trump administration’s decision to suspend the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) programme, one condemning the decision to end the DACA programme (en Español) and the other reaffirming the church’s commitment to DACA recipients. Support for the “Dreamers” has also come from the Christian Reformed Church in North America and United Church of Christ.

Dr. Jerónimo Granados, of the Evangelical Church of the River Plate, participated in the latest conference of the International Council of Christians and Jews with the theme of “Reforming, re-reading, renewing: Martin Luther and 500 years of reform and tradition in Judaism and Christianity.”

The Union Evangelischer Kirchen (Union of Protestant Churches (UEK)) celebrates 200 years of union of Lutheran and Reformed communities.

Young Scots visit Rwanda to learn about peacebuilding.

Leepo Modise, moderator of the general synod of the Uniting Reformed Church in South Africa (URCSA), discusses ways in which URCSA and the Dutch Reformed Church can continue moving closer together.

Reggie Smith, director of race relations and social justice for the Christian Reformed Church in North America, discusses theology and sociology.

Mara Joy Norden, a pastor in the Reformed Church in America, offers a meditation On Unity.

Myanmar churches call for envisioning the relevance of mission in the context of wider ecumenism.