
When soldiers are seeking to reclaim lost territory they have little regard for the peace agreements signed by their national leaders. That’s why the grassroots work of the Rev. Peter Tibi and RECONCILE is a critical component of South Sudan’s fragile peace process. And Isabel Apawo Phiri presented a paper on Women and Ecumenical Engagement for Peace in South Sudan, reflecting on the experiences of a Pilgrim Team visit by the WCC in May 2018.

On August 19, 2018, churches across North America commemorated the Christian Reformed Church in North America’s first annual Day of Justice.

A short course is now offered by the Fédération Protestante de France (FPF) encouraging participants to live the joy of ecumenism, meet committed Christians from various churches and deepen their knowledge of different Christian traditions.

The Waldensian Synod reviewed the Otto per Mille funding that it provides to partners and allies around the world.

The United Church of Canada offers a wide variety of worship resources for the five Sundays of “Creation Time.”

A delegation from the Presbyterian Church (USA) recently returned from a visit to Puerto Rico and came away surprised and encouraged by what they saw.

John Victor Samuel, a former General Secretary of the Christian Conference of Asia and Presiding Bishop of Church of Pakistan passed away at the age of 87.

Ten weeks after Pope Francis visited the World Council of Churches in Geneva as “a pilgrim in quest of unity and peace,” church leaders of different churches representing the WCC and the Roman Catholic Church are meeting in Germany this week to continue their task of “walking, praying and working together.”

Photo: Geoffrey Alemba/WCC