Environmental Justice

The WCRC believes we are in the midst of a climate crisis that threatens the existence of all life on this planet. At best we have the next ten years to reverse the causes the climate change. This includes but is not limited to reducing pollution levels of the air, earth, and water. As Christians we share in the responsibility of working towards climate justice and as Reformed Christians we believe in covenanting for justice in the economy and the earth.

Decade for Climate Justice

The WCRC’s Decade for Climate Justice will see the Communion increase awareness of the necessity of action on climate justice, promote blue/green churches among WCRC members, drive the ecumenical movement to note the interconnections between ecology and economy, promote solidarity with vulnerable communities that are adversely impacted by climate injustice, and emphasize a spiritual and practical awareness of living simply and in voluntary poverty that are grounded in the ideas of degrowth.

A call to listen to the marginalized, including all of God’s creation, was at the center of a webinar launching the Decade for Climate Justice.

“We hold the economic crisis and ecological crisis as being interlinked. The way to find alternatives to this is to learn from those who are marginalized—and from the earth, which itself is marginalized in our present system,” said Philip Vinod Peacock, WCRC executive secretary for justice and witness.

Watch the full webinar:

Season of Creation

We believe that today’s climate crisis is the outcome of a global economic system that has placed profit over life and plundered the Earth. And we also believe that God calls us to care for His creation and to distribute equitably the earth’s resources. Therefore, the WCRC is proud to be represented on the steering committee of the global Season of Creation movement and to support their work through the management of their social media sites.

The Season of Creation is an ecumenical movement that is celebrated annually from 1 September to 4 October among Christians all over the world. It is a time to reflect on our stewardship over God’s creation and to advocate for climate justice. During this time of celebration all Christians are invited to join the celebration with organizing a local event or by raising awareness in their communities.

The 2024 Season of Creation theme is “To Hope and Act with Creation.”



Listen to the Land! Responding to Cries for Life

While we struggle for justice with people’s movements and other organizations, the issue of ‘land’ has emerged as a crucial factor in the destruction of creation itself, with all its beings. Therefore, at the 2013 Oikotree Global Forum the movement decided to develop a thorough theological reflection on the issue of Land.

The Oikotree Transformative Theology Working Group, one of the five working groups in the Oikotree Movement, has prepared these materials as a resource for churches, other faith communities and social movements in their response to the economic and ecological crises facing the earth, her peoples and all her beings.

It is time to move beyond confession, take responsibility and act in solidarity with the people who continue to lose their land, suffer, and die at the hands of colluding governments, corporations and paramilitaries.


Life-Enhancing Learning Together

One of clear awarenesses coming from Oikotree movement is that a new epistemology and methodology for theological thinking and theological education/training is urgently needed for churches and theology in order to respond to the enormous challenges of the contemporary life-annihilating human “civilization” manifested in economic injustice, ecological destruction, the threat of Empire and the escalation of religious conflicts today.

Today, therefore, is the time when a new Life-enhancing culture needs to be explored, reflected and lived out based on those relational, organic and reciprocal concepts like UbuntuSangsaengSumak Kawsay, etc.

This is a collection of the papers contributed as brainstorming voices from various regions to the Oikotree Workshop on Transformative Education in February 2015 in Matanzas, Cuba. It is our hope that this book is used as one of the stepping stones by which more resources in various forms, including the arts and actions as well as written, will be generated.