
The Gender Justice Desk of the WCRC organised a three-day “Gender Leadership Consultation” from 8-11th July in Lusaka, Zambia, with the theme “Envisioning Life-nurturing Leadership in the Context of Africa”.

22 Participants from different African countries, including Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, Malawi, Zimbabwe, Zambia, Lesotho, Congo, Cameroon, and also from India, Taiwan and Guyana, gathered at St. Paul’s Women’s Centre of the United Church of Zambia. The objectives of this consultation are to discuss Women’s Ordination, Women’s Leadership and Reforming and Transforming Action toward life-nurturing leadership.

Rose Malowa, the first ordained woman in the Reformed Church in Zambia, was the keynote speaker. “From time immemorial, women have played a pivotal role in shaping the fabric of African communities. In many African traditions, women are seen as the custodians of life, reflecting God’s creative power,” she said. She criticised the gap between African women’s values and their practical exclusion from leadership.

“As we stand at this crucial juncture in our African continent’s history, we are called to be pioneers of a new paradigm of leadership – one that nurtures life, embraces diversity, and reflects the very nature of God. This vision of life-nurturing leadership in Africa is not a distant dream, but an urgent necessity. The future of Africa calls us to action. Let us respond with wisdom, courage, and a deep commitment to nurturing life through our leadership. Together, we can build an Africa that truly reflects the image of God in all its glorious diversity and unity,” Rose said.

Over the three days, participants listened to women’s journeys in the church from different contexts. They shared their common struggles and deliberated on ways to address the injustices faced by women, not only in the Church but also in society.

Rev. Dr. Simbarashe Munamati, Principal of the Murray Theological College and Pastor of the Reformed Church in Zimbabwe highlighted African feminist liberation theologies as a lens to research and study the extent and impact of women’s ordination and leadership in the African context. He pointed out the need to walk this journey together, man and woman.

Through daily bible studies, the participants engaged their own context with the different characters in the Bible – the Samaritan woman, Abigail and many others. Concluding the consultation with a session on Reforming and Transforming Actions, the group deliberated on an Action plan that includes a review of current church structures that need to be more gender-inclusive and engage the leadership with issues of gender justice and gender equity. There is a need to support more women’s education in transformative leadership through scholarships and role-model mentorship.

It was concluded that the action plans we developed would need to be SMART – strategic, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. They need to be deliberate and intentional in identifying and nurturing women, educate and create awareness for all in the ministry.

The Consultation was organised by the Gender Justice Desk of the WCRC. It was hosted by the Women’s Christian Fellowship (WCF), United Church of Zambia.

This consultation was made possible through funds from Otto Per Mille (OPM).