2017 General Council

Held 29 June to 7 July 2017 in Leipzig, Germany, and under the theme “Living God, renew and transform us,” the 26th General Council was noted for the signing of the Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification and Wittenberg Witness in Wittenberg, Germany, as well as adoption of the Declaration of Faith on Women’s Ordination.

All of the actions and activities of the 2017 General Council can be found in its Minutes:

Other resources of interest from the 2017 General Council are accessible below:

Bible Studies

The 2017 General Council was blessed with three Bible study leaders who led the participants more deeply into Scripture passages that helped inform the issues before the Council:


Preparatory Materials



Theme Songs

Be Our Light Words
Gerardo Oberman
Music: Matthias Nagel
Music Sheet PDF

Living God/Viviente Dios
Words: from Romans 12:1-2 and Luke 4:16ff
Music: Marty Haugen
Music Sheet PDF

Renew Us, O God
Words and Music: Greg Scheer
Music Sheet PDF

Romanos 12:2
Words and Music: Gerardo Oberman
Music Sheet PDF