
The “Discerning Circle” of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC)’s “What does God Require of Us? Discerning, Confessing, and Witnessing in the Time of COVID-19 and Beyond” process will begin with a livestreamed session on Wednesday, 27 January, beginning at 15:00 (Central European Time).

The process began in December with hundreds of participants gathering online to worship together, hear an overview of the entire process and stories of how members are addressing the injustices revealed by the pandemic, and be introduced to a working paper.

The working paper will be the centerpiece of this session, with presentations from its drafting team, including Allan Boesak, as participants begin to interpret the signs of the times and discern where the Holy Spirit is leading the WCRC.

“Discerning requires us to read the signs of the time biblically and theologically, locally, regionally, and globally together to mobilize our whole communion as a confessing, witnessing family committed to our own transformation and radical change in service to the God of life,” said Chris Ferguson, WCRC general secretary.

All are invited to join in this session through a livestream on the WCRC YouTube Channel or Facebook page, participating through the commentary functions of either. Comments will be taken into the discernment process. The session will be available in English, French, and Spanish.

This year-long Communion-wide undertaking is building toward a face-to-face meeting in late 2021 and will culminate in the WCRC collectively confessing a God of Life at its 2024 General Council.

Additional information on the process can be found at