
The World Communion of Reformed Churches is calling for its member churches, partners and networks to make submissions for the Public issues statement for its next General Council.

The General Council, as the highest decision-making body of the World Communion of Reformed Churches, plays a crucial role in determining the strategic plan and the thematic and programmatic trajectory of the WCRC. Your submissions will directly influence these decisions.

The General Council makes decisions through a process of discernment that involves listening, deliberation, and decision-making. The report of the public issues committee is an important input for the listening sessions.

Through a mandate of the Executive Committee a core committee has been formed that will prepare a draft of the public issues report. The core committee invites submissions that will inform the drafting of this report.

We kindly request that member churches, partners, and networks submit their declaration of intent for the report by September 25th, 2024, and a draft of their public statement by October 25th, 2024, to These deadlines are set to ensure that your submissions can be thoroughly reviewed and considered.

A letter from the Public Issues Core Committee can be found here.