
In an ever-divided world, the work of uniting diverse communities through faith and dialogue has become more crucial than ever. One person contributing to this cause is Jooeun Kim, an intern at the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC). A passionate advocate for justice, peace, and unity, Jooeun’s story is one of deep commitment to faith, theological reflection, and the ecumenical movement.

Originally from South Korea, Jooeun comes from the Presbyterian Church of Korea (PCK). With both bachelor’s and master’s degrees in church music, she has cultivated a unique blend of artistic creativity and theological passion. Her journey toward ecumenism was ignited during the 2019 Training in Mission (TIM) program, an eight-month intensive initiative hosted by the Council for World Mission (CWM). “It was during this time that I found myself drawn to the ecumenical movement,” Jooeun shares. “The program challenged us with the theme ‘Be the Troublemaker,’ encouraging us to amplify the small, yet valuable, voices that often disappear in an imperialistic society.

This concept of creating discomfort to challenge entrenched systems of power became central to Jooeun’s work. “Discomfort is crucial for fostering critical awareness,” she explains. “In order to dismantle various forms of social, theological, psychological, and cultural empires, we must make those who remain indifferent uncomfortable.” For Jooeun, this is a necessary step toward justice and peace, values she has pursued relentlessly through her studies and ministry.

Her journey with the WCRC began as a member of the Worship Committee for the upcoming 27th General Council set to take place next year in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Since starting her internship, Jooeun has gained deeper insight into the WCRC’s mission and initiatives. Reflecting on her experience in the WCRC office in Hannover, she says, “My time here has been invaluable. I’ve had the opportunity to engage with the preparations for the General Council in a more structured way, and it’s been an enriching experience.

Jooeun’s academic background in church music, combined with her passion for theology, provides her with a unique perspective within the ecumenical movement. “I believe that my artistic creativity and technical proficiency will contribute to the dynamic and innovative spirit of the WCRC,” she notes. Her hope is to be a part of the evolving narrative of the ecumenical movement, advocating for peace and justice on both a community and global level.

Looking to the future, Jooeun is filled with optimism. “I am excited for the journey ahead and for the chance to grow alongside WCRC. This experience has already deepened my understanding of ecumenism, and I’m eager to see how I can continue contributing to a more harmonious and united global community.”

As she continues her work with the WCRC, Jooeun remains dedicated to the values that have driven her since her time in the TIM program. “The WCRC’s commitment to justice and peace inspires me,” she says. “I am grateful for this remarkable opportunity, and I look forward to what lies ahead.

Jooeun’s story is a reminder that even in times of division, faith and dialogue can bring people together to create a more just and peaceful world.