
Modesta Mekeresi trusts that two aspects of who she is — a woman and a theologian — will be the foundation for her work in the coming year with the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC).

Being both a theologian and a woman “is rare from where I’m coming from, but I believe it is my calling for a change. My ecumenical experience opened my eyes to the beauty of unity in diversity. And thus, it is my hope that ecumenism can be fully exercised in my community as a point of strength, not weakness,” she said.

A member of the Church of Christ (Zimbabwe) / Disciples of Christ World Communion, Modesta began her internship with the WCRC at the beginning of May. Her previous ecumenical experience includes attending the World Council of Churches Bossey Institute near Geneva, Switzerland.

“I have a vision, and I am still on the journey. In the process of my studies, I have grown fond of gender justice issues. I am looking forward to cultivate my experience as I anticipate to work on a specific project that speaks to gender justice in the future,” she said. “I am coming from a community where I believe a difference can be made in the life of a girl child with regards to culture. I want to take part in that transformation.”

In December 2021 the WCRC launched its Gender Justice Policy and will be continuing its work on gender justice through an upcoming “gender audit” of its members.

“Being part of the WCRC family therefore is going to help me develop various aspects on how gender justice may differ from place to place,” she said. “It is a broad issue with various questions and what is immediate in this context may not be immediate in another. It will also be interesting to know how and on what bases are churches responding to gender justice currently, considering the fact that not all of the congregations are at par with the role of women in the church.”

Modesta is also looking forward to more than just work during her year with the WCRC in Hannover, Germany. “Most of all, I was so much pleased to get to know all of the staff members here; they are a perfect example of how the Communion and the community at large is supposed to integrate with all elements of love, respect, and unity. I am happy to be here almost summer time, and hoping to start learning Deutsch soon so that at least maybe I can make some more friends out there,” she said.

“I am excited on exploring this new adventure as I figure out my purpose and prepare myself to be a useful tool in God’s Kingdom,” Modesta said.

The WCRC internship programme is sponsored by the Evangelische Mission Weltweit (EMW), as well as donations from member churches.