Prayer Requests

God will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore. ( Isaiah 2:4)

The WCRC calls on its member churches and all people of faith to pray and advocate towards a nuclear free world. The 6th of August 2018 marks the seventy third anniversary of the dropping of nuclear weapons on the city of Hiroshima and three days later on the city of Nagasaki. The two bombs killed at least 129,000 people.

While these remain the only two instances of nuclear weapons being used in the history of warfare the buildup of nuclear arsenals around the world is still a cause of increasing insecurity and alarm. Further the testing of nuclear devices in the Pacific and other parts of the world have been a cause for illness to humans and ecological damage. There is enough evidence to show us that even nuclear energy has a long and devastating impact on the environment. Furthermore, uranium mining continues to be an exploitative industry with most uranium mines being located on lands belonging to indigenous communities

On this day we recall the words of the Accra confession which says, we reject any claim of economic, political and military empire which subverts God’s sovereignty over life and acts contrary to God’s just rule. We understand that nuclearization is a threat to all life and is contrary to God’s intention for creation and subvert justice and peace.

On this seventy third anniversary we seek to recommit our efforts to struggling for complete denuclearization of our planet. We call on governments and international organizations to work towards complete denuclearization of our planet and to commit to working towards peaceful relations between all.

We call on all churches to remember the massive loss of life in Hiroshima and Nagasaki through prayer services and vigils and to commit to walking the paths of peace. We also call on our member churches to lobby with their governments to dismantle all nuclear weapons.

Prayer: God of life, we repent for all the loss to life that we as humans have caused. To other humans and to your creation. Enable us to turn towards peace. Enable us to work for justice. Give us the courage to trust and to love. That our swords will be turned into plowshares and our spears into pruning hooks. Amen.

Photo Source: Sky News