
The World Communion of Reformed Churches is dedicated to achieving a peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula. The WCRC received the following statement from the National Council of Churches in Korea (NCCK) and urges its members to share this statement with their own governments while continuing to pray that peace will prevail.

The NCCK is very concerned about the relocation of the United States nuclear aircraft carrier, USS Carl Vinson, in the seas surrounding the Korean peninsula. The repositioning of this nuclear aircraft carrier, which had not been planned since the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) deployment and in the absence of the President of the Republic of Korea, is not only of no help to the Republic of Korea-United States alliance but also heightens military tensions.

The NCCK urges the US government to show peaceful steps to resolve the North Korean nuclear issue instead of actions that create such a military tension. First there should be a discussion between the US government and the North Korea government that builds trust in mutual benefits to all parties. Then, from that discussion, nuclear weapons will be disassembled.

It is clear that all progress toward disarmament begins with a conversation; whereas, threats of precision strikes reinforce the distrust that hinders progress toward security, and threaten the entire peninsula with destruction. The apparent next step for the US government is to talk with North Korea about the nuclear weapons issue so that a peaceful resolution is found. And so, we implore the United States government to solve the North Korean nuclear issue through mutual talks of peace from both governments. The conversation must happen now!

The NCCK will continue striving to achieve reconciliation and peace on the Korean peninsula and oppose military demonstrations that escalate tensions in the Korean Peninsula. Please pray for peace of Korea peninsula.

Sincerely, Rev. Kim Young-ju, General Secretary of the NCC-Korea