Prayer Requests

O that my head were a spring of water,
and my eyes a fountain of tears,
so that I might weep day and night
for the slain of my poor people!
—Jeremiah 9:1 (NRSV)

As a Communion we are called to be supportive of each other in prayer and action, especially in times of crisis. This past weekend the United States suffered yet another mass shooting, this time in Orlando, Florida. Even as our member churches throughout North America respond to this tragedy—and engage in the varied issues surrounding it—we must lift them up in prayer and offer support in all the ways we are able.

Christian Reformed Church in North America

ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians
Brothers and Sisters, Our hearts are breaking over the unbelievable tragedy in Orlando this weekend. Our deepest prayers are with the families and friends of those who lost their lives, our friends in ministry in Orlando, and throughout Florida, our nation, and our world. Please join our ECO family in prayer in the days, weeks, and months to come. May we continually turn to Jesus alone and point others towards His unconditional love and redemption. May we love our neighbors well and seek opportunities to authentically listen and care for them. We are grateful that in the midst of the deepest darkness, our God is still on the throne. Come, Lord Jesus! In Christ, Amen.

Presbyterian Church (USA)

Presbyterian Church in Canada

United Church of Canada

United Church of Christ

As we journey in our own contexts but also together as a Communion committed to justice let us uphold not only these sisters and brothers but each and all of us within our World Communion so that all may have life in abundance.