
BBC Reporting Scotland presents a video about “Kirk Women,” featuring some of the first women in Scotland who were ordained as elders and ministers.

The common theme of young people and leadership was on the minds of many church leaders who attended a Taste and See event put on last weekend in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, by co-leaders Barb Van Giessen and Rev. Marijke Strong of the Reformed Leadership Initiative.

Gradye Parsons, a member of the WCRC Executive Committee and retiring stated clerk of the Presbyterian Church (USA), discusses the past and future of the Presbyterian Church, the essential role of justice-making, and what’s next as he looks forward to retirement in this podcast.

The Presbyterian Church in Taiwan is preparing to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.

Bill and Ann Moore, Presbyterian Church (USA) mission co-workers who were in Hiroshima seven of their 30 years serving in Japan, give their unique view on President Obama’s historic trip to Hiroshima.

Charles R. (“Chuck”) Harper, director of the Latin American human rights resource office at the World Council of Churches from 1973 to 1992, died on 25 May. A Presbyterian minister and ecumenical activist, he was the recipient of presidential awards from Chile in 2011 and Argentina in 2014 for his dedication to the defence, protection and restoration of human rights in those countries.

Eastern Germany is the heartland of the Protestant Reformation of Martin Luther, but today is one of the most secularized parts of the world.