
The Presbyterian Church in Singapore has selected a logo to celebrate their 135th anniversary.

Martin Engels, moderator of the Reformed Alliance, shares an Epiphany reflection on the status of asylum seekers in Germany (in German).

Hope Incarnated: The Church in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon. Presbyterians in the Middle East serving those displaced by war and terror.

Religious leaders from across Ontario, Canada, have written to Premier Wynne and leaders of the provincial opposition parties to express their support for Ontario’s role in welcoming Syrian refugees.

“Outstanding in terms of quantity and quality” is how General Secretary of the Community of Protestant Churches in Europe Bishop Dr. Michael Bünker describes the results of the Reformation Song Contest organized by the CPCE to commemorate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.

Bob Smylie, former director of the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations, is remembered after passing away.

Presbyterians in the United States call for seven days of prayer and action to end human trafficking.

The Ministry Council of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church (USA) has just launched a new website.