World Exhibition brings Reformation to life in Wittenberg

When General Council members departed from the ecumenical service at Wittenberg’s Town Church on July 6, they discovered a city peppered with 90 Reformation-themed attractions, the World Reformation Exhibition. During this 500th anniversary year of Martin Luther’s Reformation, the city of Wittenberg celebrates their famous son with sites religious and playful, historical and artistic. A […]

Bible underlines the need to support diversity, says Palestinian Christian

by Stephen Brown The church worldwide will not survive if Christians in Africa, Asia and Latin America do not develop their own expressions of faith and theology, Palestinian Christian Mitri Raheb has told a global assembly of Reformed churches meeting in Leipzig, Germany. “Dare to develop and tell your story—in Africa, in Latin America, in […]

Discernment process relies on group consensus to discover God’s will

by Amy Eckert Over the course of the week and a half that the General Council has gathered in Leipzig, attendees have had many opportunities to hear of discernment. But what is discernment precisely? How does the process help delegates determine God’s will for the World Communion of Reformed Churches? And how does the process […]

Leipzig’s Reformed Church relishes opportunity to host Council

by Amy Eckert When Pastor Elke Bucksch learned in 2015 that the World Communion of Reformed Churches would hold its 2017 General Council meeting in eastern Germany, she couldn’t have been happier. When it was decided just a few months later to convene the meeting in Leipzig, her whole congregation got excited. “Everyone thought this […]

The hipster side of Berlin

by Hui Jun Chia One could mistake the artsy, vibrant Friedrichshain and Kreuzberg in Berlin as just another bustling capital city with typical restaurants and shopping brands lining its streets. However, this very place belies a solemn history of liberation and democracy won by its people through peaceful protests which eventually led to the fall […]