Global gathering challenged to overcome church entanglement with injustice

by Stephen Brown In a world marked by injustice and discrimination, churches need to recognize how they are intertwined with structures of power if they are to promote justice and solidarity, a global gathering of Reformed Christians has heard. “The world is calling upon the faith leaders to use their power for justice for the […]

The WCRC considers a call for its members to accept the ordination of women

by Laurence Villoz While the churches deplore injustices against women, some of them perpetuate gender inequality by denying female ordination. “Gender based violence is one of the biggest challenges in the world,” said Dr. Dorcas Gordon, principal of John Knox College in Toronto, Canada, at the “Gender Justice” session of the General Council of the […]

Ferguson casts vision for Communion

by Laurence Villoz In his report to the WCRC General Council, General Secretary Chris Ferguson outlined a new vision for the future, even as he noted the challenges the Communion has taken on since the 2010 Uniting General Council—and those it is still facing. During the presentation of his report to the Council in Leipzig, […]

Art Lab unites international artists around General Council

by Amy Eckert While WCRC delegates were worshiping and discerning in the Messe, a dozen artists gathered across town. Their task: To create artworks inspired by the General Council’s themes of transformation and Reformation, and to do so in just one week. “We asked the artists not to arrive well-prepared with an idea already in […]