Accra Confession
Reformation Sunday
The WCRC has invited its members to use a common order of worship and/or watch an online worship service to mark Reformation Day on 31 October 2021. More information and the order of worship are available on the Reformation Day webpage.
The 450th anniversary of the Heidelberg Catechism was marked in 2013. In honour of this important date in Reformed church history, the WCRC published a booklet with information on the catechism’s historical and theological background, an order of service, sermon notes, ideas for Bible study and an article that relates the Heidelberg Catechism to the WCRC’s Accra Confession. At the end of the publication there are brief articles about “signs of hopes” from students who attended WCRC’s Global Institute for Theology in 2012. This publications is offered to encourage churches in the Reformed tradition to celebrate this important occasion.
In 2006 the World Alliance of Reformed Churches’ Office for Church Renewal, Justice and Partnership developed a package of congregational resources to celebrate Reformation Sunday.
Worshiping the Triune God
“Worshiping the Triune God: Receiving and Sharing Christian Wisdom Across Continents and Centuries” is designed to present a vision for worship and spiritual renewal in which we invite each other to deeper and more vital expression.
The document is designed for several uses:
1. The document can be used within a given congregation or denomination to shape a conversation about the gifts, challenges, strengths and weaknesses of local practices.
2. The document can shape a conversation between and among congregations, denominations, and believers from quite different cultural contexts.
3. The document is an invitation to collaborative in-depth study and further refinement.
It is not designed to impose a set of practices on member churches or to imply that worship in member churches already embodies the fullness of this wisdom. It was adopted in 2010 by the newly formed World Communion of Reformed Churches.
Worshipping the Triune God is available in these languages:
- Arabic
- Chinese (traditional characters)
- Chinese (simplified characters)
- Dutch
- English
- French
- German
- Indonesian
- Nepali
- Spanish
- Urdu: Part 1 and Part 2
The Calvin Institute of Christian Worship has additional resources available on the use of this document, including a background on the statement.