Executive Committee 2024

Stand firm, giving yourselves fully to the work of the Lord. (1 Corinthians 15:58) 17-20 May: The meeting will begin each day at 13:00 (Central European Summer Time) through Zoom: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82554859850?pwd=d21iQUxzeW8wbjF1ZGsza3FyUmI2QT09. All documents below are PDFs. If you have any issues accessing them, please contact Phil Tanis at philip.tanis@wcrc.eu. Business Documents Proposed Schedule/Agenda Rules of […]

Global Initiatives for Peace and Reconciliation: Korea

Global Initiatives for Peace and Reconciliation: Korean Peninsula Many of the WCRC’s members and partners promote peace and reconciliation efforts in their contexts. The global office supports this work through a variety of means, including direct funding, accompaniment programs and visitations. A vast proportion of the Christian community in Korea has Reformed or Presbyterian backgrounds, […]

Global Initiatives for Peace and Reconciliation: Colombia

Global Initiatives for Peace and Reconciliation: Colombia Many of the WCRC’s members and partners promote peace and reconciliation efforts in their contexts. The global office supports this work through a variety of means, including direct funding, accompaniment programs and visitations. In Colombia, the project for the accompaniment and verification of the peace agreement and implementation […]


Invitation to Name Delegates The dates of the 27th General Council are 14 to 23 October 2025. Participants are expected to arrive in Chiang Mai by the evening of 13 October and to depart from Chiang Mai any time after 3:00 pm on 23 October. Member churches should name their delegates as soon as possible. […]

Regional Councils

Regions play a pivotal role in strengthening the communion between member churches by providing spaces for dialogue and action and by ensuring the connection between the local, regional, and global levels. At the same time, each region is unique and thus the global office collaborates with each in the development of programmatic activities that will […]

TESF Profile: Angélica María Munera Cervera

The Theological Education Scholarship Fund for Women in the South (TESF) was established in 2001 as a means to increase the number of women in ordained ministry and to enable women from a wide network of Reformed churches in the south build their capacity for effective partnership in God’s mission. See more information on the […]

Women’s Ordination

Ordination of Women At the 2017 General Council in Leipzig, Germany, the WCRC adopted a Declaration of Faith on Women’s Ordination, which begins: “God, through the Holy Spirit, calls both women and men to participate fully in all the ministries of the church.” The declaration testifies to the WCRC’s belief that women and men are […]

TESF Profile: Claudette Williams

Claudette Williams The Theological Education Scholarship Fund for Women in the South (TESF) was established in 2001 as a means to increase the number of women in ordained ministry and to enable women from a wide network of Reformed churches in the south build their capacity for effective partnership in God’s mission. See more information […]


TESF PROFILE: Everlyn Nekesa Biboko The Theological Education Scholarship Fund for Women in the South (TESF) was established in 2001 as a means to increase the number of women in ordained ministry and to enable women from a wide network of Reformed churches in the south build their capacity for effective partnership in God’s mission. […]

/TESF PROFILE: Greta Montoya Ortega

TESF PROFILE: Greta Montoya Ortega The Theological Education Scholarship Fund for Women in the South (TESF) was established in 2001 as a means to increase the number of women in ordained ministry and to enable women from a wide network of Reformed churches in the south build their capacity for effective partnership in God’s mission. […]