WCRC Celebrates 20th Anniversary of the Accra Confession at CANAAC Assembly

The World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC), together with the Caribbean and North American Area Council (CANAAC) and the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, convened over 50 leaders and delegates specifically from the CANAAC region to commemorate “Accra Plus Twenty CANAAC.” This consultation was part of a series of regional consultations organized […]
Marking 20 Years of Accra Confession: WCRC and CANAAC Celebrate Reformation Sunday in Grand Cayman

The World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC), in partnership with the Caribbean and North American Area Council (CANAAC) and the United Church in Jamaica and the Cayman Islands, gathered for a vibrant Reformation Sunday worship on October 27, 2024. Held at Elmslie Church in Grand Cayman, the service brought together around 70 participants, including CANAAC […]