Consultation looks to empower regions
A Regional Empowerment Consultation held in Hannover, Germany, in February focused on ways in which the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) can strengthen its work through better engagement on a regional level. The consultation, which brought together WCRC officers, regional leaders and staff over three days, agreed on ways to improve work in the following […]
Deepening communion is goal of Anglican-Reformed dialogue
“Communion” is the theme of the first dialogue in more than 30 years between the Anglican and Reformed communions. It is hoped that this dialogue will result in a “better understanding of each other during a time of rapid change, a better understanding of ourselves and how we may resolve disagreement better and an improved […]
Une consultation pour évaluer l’état de la communion
La consultation sur l’état de la communion, qui a réuni en février dernier, dans l’Ouest du Michigan, 50 représentants d’églises venus du monde entier, a permis d’élaborer un premier projet de rapport sur l’état de la communion, qui sera présenté au comité exécutif de la Communion mondiale d’Églises réformées (CMER) lors de sa prochaine réunion […]
Consultation Assesses State of the Communion
The Consultation on Communion, drawing together 50 church leaders from around the world in wintry West Michigan, produced the first draft of a report on the state of the communion that will be presented to the World Communion of Reformed Churches’ (WCRC) executive committee at its annual meeting in May. Bridget Ben-Naimah summed up the […]
Konsultation zu „Glaubenserklärungen“ eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten
Konsultation in Grand Rapids zu Bekenntnisfragen empfiehlt weitere Schritte. „Ökumenische Glaubenserklärungen“ standen im Mittelpunkt der Konsultation, die auf Einladung der Weltgemeinschaft Reformierter Kirchen (WGRK) und der Christlich-Reformierten Kirche in Nordamerika (CRCNA) vom 2. bis 4. Februar 2014 in Grand Rapids, Michigan stattgefunden hat. Die Tagung, an der über 50 Vertreterinnen und Vertreter reformierter Kirchen aus […]