The Scandal of Hunger

The second annual Global Day of Prayer to End Famine is 10 June. Philip Vinod Peacock, WCRC executive secretary for justice and witness, wrote the following meditation to be shared freely. We are living in the midst of a world hunger crisis. In 33 countries throughout the world there is a “very serious” or “grave” […]

Welcome into your home

We join with our member churches to oppose the recent Executive Order issued by President Trump and call for members of the Communion to join in prayer and action.

Group finds exploitation rife on US-Mexico border

Personal stories of migrants and those working to minister to them on the Mexico-Texas border gave members of the World Communion of Reformed Churches’ working group on human trafficking a vivid understanding of the issues faced on all sides. Deeply moved by the shared experiences, Yueh-Wen Lu, WCRC vice president and co-moderator of the executive committee’s […]

WCRC members push for solutions on European immigration crisis

International Refugee Day (June 20) is a day intended to raise awareness of the growing migrant crisis around the world. It will come this year in the midst of a global interest the likes of which are unprecedented. Conference of European Churches: Day of intercession in memory of those who have lost their lives at […]

Racial justice urgently needed in wake of Charleston tragedy

The attack against worshipers at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, earlier this week has again exposed the seemingly rampant racism and violence plaguing the United States. The World Communion of Reformed Churches joins its voice to those of its many members calling for prayer and action in the wake of […]

WCRC joins calls for just treatment of migrants

The World Communion of Reformed Churches joins other religious and humanitarian organizations in calling for a just response to the increasing number of people dying while attempting to cross the Mediterranean Sea to seek asylum in Europe. Rt Rev John Chalmers, the moderator of the general assembly of the Church of Scotland, said migrants seeking […]

“Broken for You” Lenten Resource Now Ready

“We believe that God calls us to hear the cries of the poor and the groaning of creation and to follow the public mission of Jesus Christ who came so that all may have life and have it in fullness (John 10:10). Jesus brings justice to the oppressed and gives bread to the hungry; he […]

Campaña anti tráfico-humano lista para la Cuaresma

“Creemos que Dios nos llama a escuchar el llanto del pobre y el gemido de la creación y a seguir la misión pública de Jesucristo, quien vino para que todos tengamos vida y la tengamos en abundancia (Juan 10:10). Jesus trae justicia al oprimido y da pan al hambriento, libera al prisionero y devuelve la […]

Kampagne gegen Menschenhandel wird für die Passionszeit vorbereitet

Wir glauben, dass Gott uns dazu aufruft, die Schreie der Armen und das Stöh-nen der Schöpfung zu hören, und dem missionarischen Auftrag Jesu zu folgen, der gekommen ist, damit alle Leben haben, und es in Fülle haben (Joh 10,10). Jesus bringt den Unterdrückten Gerechtigkeit und den Hungernden Brot; er befreit die Ge-fangenen und gibt den […]

Campagne contre la traite d’êtres humains préparée pour le temps du Carême

“Nous croyons que Dieu nous appelle à entendre les cris des pauvres et les gémissements de la création, ainsi qu’à suivre la trace de la mission publique de Jésus Christ, venu pour que tous aient la vie, et qu’ils l’aient en plénitude (Jn 10,10). Jésus apporte la justice à ceux et celles qui sont opprimés […]