Accra Confession focuses justice work in Africa
The Accra Confession was the focus of a capacity building consultation that gathered over three dozen church leaders from across Africa in Nairobi, Kenya, in early November. The Accra Confession, adopted by the World Alliance of Reformed Churches and reaffirmed at the World Communion of Reformed Churches Uniting General Council, is based on the theological […]
WCRC Welcomes the Call from Arusha
For many years the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) has been inviting Christians and the ecumenical community into a creative and constructive resistance to a market system that has denied and continues to deny life to people and the planet. The Call from Arusha, the message from the recently concluded Conference on World Mission […]
Accra+10 consultation in the Americas calls for action
The second bi-regional consultation focused through the Accra Confession took place in Cuba in January. Participants from the Latin America Alliance of Presbyterian and Reformed Churches (AIPRAL) and the Caribbean and North American Area Council (CANAAC) came together under the theme “Gender Reading of the Signs of Times.” “Our common geographical area of the Americas […]
Gender justice focus of first Accra+10 consultation
The first in a series of bi-regional consultations focused through the Accra Confession took place in Ghana in November. Participants from the Africa Communion of Reformed Churches (ACRC) and Northeast Asia Area Council (NEAAC) came together under the theme “Gender Reading of the Signs of Times.” The general objective of the consultation was to reflect […]
Commitments come from re-engagement with Accra Confession
Representatives of World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) members in the south Asia region gathered earlier this year for a consultation driven by the tenants of the Accra Confession. The Accra Confession, a prophetic statement on economic and environmental justice, was created in 2004 by the then World Alliance of Reformed Churches (WARC). WARC has […]
La CMER réaffirme son engagement envers la Confession d’Accra
Une récente consultation internationale marquant le 10ième anniversaire de la Confession d’Accra recommande à la Communion Mondiale des églises réformées (CMER) ainsi qu’à ses églises membres et ses partenaires œcuméniques de répondre aux injustices économiques et écologiques « d’une façon plus intégrée qui analyse et répond aux réalités sociales, politiques et économiques injustes. » La […]
WGRK erneuert Selbstverpflichtung auf das Bekenntnis von Accra
Die jüngste internationale Konsultation aus Anlass der Verabschiedung des Bekenntnisses von Accra vor 10 Jahren empfiehlt der Weltgemeinschaft reformierter Kirchen (WGRK), ihren Mitgliedskirchen und ihren ökumenischen Parrnern sich in „einer stärker integrierten Vorgehensweise“ mit Fragen ökonomischer und ökologischer Ungerechtigkeit auseinanderzusetzen, „indem sie sie analysieren und auf ungerechte gesellschaftliche, politische und wirtschaftliche Zustände reagieren“. Die Konsultation, […]
CMIR se recompromete con la Confesión de Accra
CMIR se recompromete con la Confesión de Accra Una reciente consulta global en el marco del 10º aniversario de la Confesión de Accra recomienda que la Comunión Mundial de Iglesias Reformadas (CMIR), sus iglesias miembro y socios ecuménicos deben trabajar para enfrentar injusticias económicas y ecológicas “de una manera más integrada que analice y responda […]
WCRC recommits to the Accra Confession
A recent global consultation marking the 10th anniversary of the Accra Confession is recommending that the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC), its member churches and ecumenical partners should work to address economic and environmental injustices “in a more integrated manner that analyzes and responds to these unjust social, political and economic realities.” The consultation, […]
Accra Confession consultation re-energizes region
The African consultation on the 10th anniversary of the Accra Confession not only renewed strong interest in the confession, it re-energized the activities of the Communion in Africa. Organized in partnership by the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) and the African Communion of Reformed Churches (ACRC), the consultation brought together more than two dozen […]