
We, the World Communion of Reformed Churches, have over 225 member churches in more than 100 countries around the world. Our member churches come from the Congregational, Presbyterian, Reformed, United, Uniting and Waldensian traditions and total some 80 million individuals.

United in Christ and rooted in the historic Reformed traditions, we believe that Christian faith is responding to God’s call to meet spiritual needs and foster justice for all in the transformation of the world through the love of Jesus Christ.

Our members carry out their ministries and missions in a wide variety of ways and contexts. Through this new online series, Reformed Tastes, we hope to bring you short insights into what members of the Communion are doing, thinking and feeling in their own contexts.

The first story—and prayer—comes from the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations:

If you have a story, thought, prayer or something else you’d like to share with the larger Communion, please send it to