
Women continue to blaze the trail in the Presbyterian Church of Trinidad and Tobago. For the third time in succession, a woman has been elected to head the Presbyterian Church.

A new stamp commemorating Reformer Huldrych Zwingli is now available in Switzerland and Germany.

The Reformed Church in America is offering devotions based on each of the main points of the Canons of Dort, which are marking their 400th anniversary this year.

The Taiwan Presbyterian Church Youth Fellowship celebrated its 70th anniversary earlier this month.

Jen Haddox, director of global engagement for ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians, reflects on a recent visit to Egypt and the work of the Synod of the Nile.

David Cornick, former general secretary of both the United Reformed Church and Churches Together England, has received an ward from the Archbishop of Canterbury for his ecumenical work.

A workshop co-facilitated by the World Council of Churches and the South Sudan Council of Churches in South Sudan drew people to explore resources churches use to aid in trauma healing. Participants also discussed potential common approaches that could unite churches in their response to people faced with trauma.