
Stuart McMillan, president of the Uniting Church in Australia, has expressed solidarity with Australia’s African community in the wake of recent negative political and media commentary.

Fleur Houston, author of You Shall Love the Stranger as Yourself: The Bible, refugees and asylum (biblical challenges in the contemporary world) and a retired minister of the United Reformed Church, highlights biblical perspectives on the refugee crisis, encouraging people to give to those in need.

On 16 January 2018, as Foreign Ministers from twenty nations gather in Vancouver to discuss security and stability on the Korean Peninsula, an international delegation of sixteen women representing feminist peace movements from Asia, Europe and North America will convene in Vancouver to ensure that civil-society perspectives are included in the official talks.

Racism is making African Americans sick in many ways, but a strong faith that impacts daily life can help counter those physical effects, said public health expert David R. Williams at Calvin College’s January Series 2018.

Presbyterian duo advocate for recognition of massacre on behalf of South Korean civilians.

Aquila Singh, an “inspirational” minister who was named Woman of the Year less than 12 months after she was ordained has been recognized in the Scottish Parliament. And Iain Torrance, a distinguished Church of Scotland minister with “outstanding gifts of intellect and leadership” has been given a knighthood in the New Year Honours list.

Finally, from our brothers and sisters at RedCrearte, una propuesta de servicio a las iglesias, organismos e instituciones en América Latina:

ABRAZOS: Jesús Hermano, Amigo, Maestro y Salvador

Ministro: Nos has encontrado en el camino, nos llamas por nuestro nombre, nos pides que te sigamos, y dejando emocionalismos vanos, y tomando un compromiso sincero, esperas que respondamos: Habla Señor que te escuchamos.

Comunidad: Llévanos contigo, porque de ti solo salen cosas buenas, así lo hemos visto y lo hemos comprobado, tu amor, tu paz tu justicia, tu perdón, tu enseñanza.

Ministro: Llévanos contigo, a ser solidarios con el prójimo a llorar con quien llora a reír con quien ríe, recordando que somos miembros de tu cuerpo y templos del Espíritu santo

Todas(os): Llévanos contigo, y así veremos y haremos cosas grandes en favor de la vida
Porque maestro: ¡Tú eres el hijo de Dios!

Joel Elí Padrón Ibáñez
Iglesia Reformada Peniel
Mexico D.F.
Basado en fragmentos de las lecturas
1 Samuel 3:1-10, (11-20), Salmo 139:1-6, 13-18
1 Corintios 6:12-20, Juan 1:43-51