
The words multicultural, cross cultural and intercultural are used quite often in our conversations, as Rev. Dr Apwee Ting explains in this Multicultural Ministry Minute video from the Uniting Church in Australia.

Syrian children blow kisses as they arrive in Italy‘s first airlift via the Humanitarian Corridors project, co-organized by the Sant’Egidio Catholic community, the Federation of Evangelical Churches and the Valdese Evangelical Church.

A student team from the Presbyterian Church of Korea in South Korea undertook a field visit to refugee camps, social development and diaconal ministry of the Church of Christ in Thailand.

Rev. Taehoo Lee, who is part of a new Christian Reformed Church ministry initiative, sees his church as the tough, poverty-stricken North Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA) neighbourhood in which he lives.

With the most severe drought in almost three decades impacting lives across the dry landscape of Ethiopia, the United Church of Christ is acting to help the families at risk. UCC Disaster Ministries has sent a grant to ACT Alliance, a world relief organization, to support ongoing food assistance, health and nutrition support, agriculture and livestock production, and safe drinking and bathroom water.

The Moderator of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland has stated the church’s position that the country would be better off staying in the European Union.

A new generation of ecumenical Christians has engaged preeminent issues of contemporary global Christianity in a new publication from Globethics. The new volume, edited by David Field and Jutta Koslowski, probes themes and questions explored at the World Council of Churches 10th Assembly, held in Busan, Republic of Korea, in 2013.

A prayer of confession from Red Crearte:

Queremos que nuestros ojos estén puestos en ti
cada día de nuestra vida
y cada hora de nuestros días;
queremos alabarte y bendecirte
en cada pensamiento, en cada palabra,
en cada acción,
en nuestra vida personal, en nuestra vida familiar
y en nuestra vida como familia de fe;
queremos que nuestro testimonio
refleje a Jesús, siempre…
cuando estamos en la iglesia,
pero también en la vereda,
en la escuela, en el negocio,
en la casa, con nuestros amigos.
Y te pedimos perdón, Dios de misericordia,
cuando no dejamos que tu propósito
se cumpla en nuestra vida,
cuando somos egoístas,
cuando no dejamos que tu amor nos cambie,
cuando nos obstinamos en repetir los mismos errores,
cuando no nos ejercitamos en la solidaridad,
cuando no sabemos extender una mano generosa,
cuando tu iglesia es la última de nuestras opciones
porque ponemos en primer lugar tantas otras cosas.
Te pedimos perdón, Dios de pura gracia.
y que nos renueves
con tu amor sanador,
que nos hagas nuevas personas,
con un corazón que sepa ser fiel
y una fe que sea coherente.
Míranos con buenos ojos, buen Dios,
y danos tu paz.