Nyomi addresses Reformed Alliance assembly

Setri Nyomi, interim general secretary of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC), addressed the Assembly of the Reformed Alliance (Reformierter Bund) in Berlin on 25 April, presenting a speech entitled “Reformed Identities – A Global Perspective.” Based on the theme of the Assembly, Nyomi addressed two of its dimensions: When we talk about identity, […]

Panel focuses on taxes and gender justice

The World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) and its partners organized a side event on 23 April in conjunction with the United Nations Financing for Development Forum, which was held 22-25 April. The side event, entitled “Can taxing the rich help to close the gender divide? And why should we care?” featured a panel discussion […]

Member Church News: Apology, Ideology, Diversity

Jamaican government Minister accepts United Reformed Church’s apology for its role in transatlantic slavery: Olivia Grange, Jamaica’s Minister for Culture, Gender, Entertainment and Sport, encouraged other UK churches, along with the UK government, to also apologize. First ‘Confronting Christian Zionism’ webinar draws large audience: A packed virtual Zoom room of nearly 500 participants logged on […]

Consulta indígena emite “solicitud de diálogo”

Desde su Asamblea General de Unificación, realizada en 2010, la Comunión Mundial de Iglesias Reformadas (CMIR) ha asumido compromisos con los pueblos indígenas que no se han concretado. Un importante paso para rectificar esta situación se dio en una consulta de integrantes indígenas de la Comunión y contrapartes ecuménicas, celebrada a finales de abril bajo […]

Indigenous consultation issues “request to dialogue”

Since its Uniting General Council in 2010, the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) has made commitments to Indigenous peoples that have not been realized. A significant step toward rectifying this situation was made at a consultation of Indigenous members of the Communion and ecumenical partners in late April meeting under the theme, “Repentance, Reconciliation, […]

Member Church News: Creation Care, Peace Advocacy

Presbyterian Church (USA) pastor Carolyn Winfrey Gillette has produced a Creation Care hymn for free use, “O God, Within the Psalms,” based on Psalm 23:1-6 and John 10:11-18. And the United Church in Canada offer a variety of worship materials for celebrating Earth Week. A number of members and partners are participating in the Gaza […]

Member Church News: Anniversaries, Solidarity, Polities

April 7 marked the 30th anniversary of the Hutu genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. Beginning on 7 April 1994, more than 800,000 Tutsis and 10,000 Twa were murdered over approximately 100 days. The Rwandan constitution today speaks of one million deaths. “Words cannot be found to describe this terrible tragedy, which will be commemorated […]

Business of Council takes next steps

The work of the 2025 General Council of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) was brought into sharper focus during a series of meetings in Hannover, Germany, last week. This marks a major step in preparing the contents for discussion and discernment during the 27th General Council to be held in Chiang Mai, Thailand, […]

Member Church News: Earthquake, Peace Calls, Visit

Presbyterian Church in Taiwan (PCT) churches and a seminary suffered damage from the earthquake that hit Hualien on 3 April. The PCT is accepting donations to support relief efforts. More than 140 global Christian leaders call for Gaza cease-fire in Holy Week letter: ‘We repent of the ways we have not stood alongside our Palestinian […]

Member Church News: Easter Messages

Many of our member churches and ecumenical partners have shared Easter messages (or unique resources). Here are a few of them: Church of Scotland: Lego Easter Story Conference of European Churches: May peace, joy and love shine from the empty tomb Presbyterian Church of Aotearoa New Zealand: Resurrection Hope The United Church of Canada: Even […]