Vision Statement
The World Communion of Reformed Churches is called to communion and is committed to justice.
Through robust engagement with the Word of God and the call of the Holy Spirit, the World Communion of Reformed Churches is always being transformed as it strives for the full and just participation of all. In our diversity, we seek to be a living expression of “unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:3).
We work to renew and restore the economy and the earth, so that all humanity and the whole of creation might live life in its fullness (Deuteronomy 30:19; John 10:10).
Overarching Goal
By 2024, the World Communion of Reformed Churches will strive to be significantly strengthened and increasingly effective in living out God’s call to communion and commitment to justice.1 As a global Koinonia,2 we are marked by discerning, confessing,3 witnessing and being reformed together.
The World Communion of Reformed Churches, with all the partners God provides, serves its member churches and also works for the transformation of the whole world, which is so loved by God but still trapped by multiple injustices and death, having fallen among thieves (John 10:10).
As it strives to fulfil its vision, the World Communion of Reformed Churches works through two strategic trajectories:
- Strengthening and deepening the Koinonia.
- Growing and expanding its work for a greater global impact.
These strategic trajectories are applied through five interlocking dimensions:
In a spirit of openness and transparency, and speaking the truth in love to ourselves and the world, we affirm the values described in Article IV of the WCRC Constitution:
A. The World Communion of Reformed Churches strives to demonstrate and live the oneness in Christ we profess, to carry out its ministry in ways that enable all member churches to share their gifts, and to honour and be committed to God’s saving purposes for the transformation of the world. The World Communion of Reformed Churches serves its members with love and care, encouraging their mutual support and nurture of one another.
B. The World Communion of Reformed Churches in its order and actions is called to respect, defend, and advance the dignity of every person. In Jesus Christ all human differences must lose their power to divide. No one shall be disadvantaged for, among other reasons, race, ethnicity, or gender, and no individual or church may claim or exercise dominance over another.
C. The World Communion of Reformed Churches embraces God’s covenant promises for the redemption, restoration and renewal of the whole creation through Jesus Christ. In doing so, it affirms the biblical calling of the members to recognize the gift of baptism in one another, and the call to be unified in ministry, and together to bear witness to God’s justice and peace and to the integrity of creation.
1 “Steadfast love and faithfulness will meet; righteousness and peace will kiss each other (Psalm 85:10).
2 The Greek word Koinonia means joint participation in a communion, in which one has a share in anything. According to Acts 2:42 it identifies the state of fellowship and unity that should exist within the Christian congregation.
3 In the spirit of the Barmen Declaration and the confessions of Belhar and Accra.