
Representatives—men and women, lay and clergy—come from member churches to meet in a general council every seven years. Gathered together they discern God’s will through Scripture to decide the WCRC’s direction. The council also elects leadership to oversee its policies and work. These officers and executive committee members elect the general secretary.


The WCRC is guided by a written constitution that defines our identity, notes our values, spells out our mission and purposes and governs our functions. The constitution preamble states:

Jesus Christ is the foundation and head of the Christian church.

It is in Jesus Christ that the Word became flesh and the gospel is embodied.
It is to God in Christ that the holy Scriptures, inspired by the Holy Spirit, bear witness.

It is through Christ that God gives abundant life and spiritual vitality to the members of the church in the power of the Holy Spirit.

The churches in the World Communion of Reformed Churches are called together in the name of the one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Under the sovereign God, with Christ’s followers across the globe, sharing one baptism, the members of the communion belong to the one holy catholic and apostolic church.

Read the constitution and by-laws.

Executive Committee

The WCRC’s executive committee is comprised of officers and members selected by the last general council, as well as elected leaders of the regional councils. The general secretary sits on the committee as an ex officio member. Among other responsibilities, the executive committee meets annually to:

  • Exercise general oversight of the work of the WCRC between meetings of the general council
  • Approve the annual financial reports and adopt the annual budget
  • Elect a general secretary and appoint executive secretaries
  • Decide on admission to and suspension of membership in the WCRC in consultation with local member churches subject to ratification by the next general council.

Minutes of the Executive Committee

Please click on the year which you would like to access: 2024, 2023, 2022, Extraordinary 2021, 2021 (regular), 2019, 2018, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011


The WCRC is funded by contributions from its member churches and church agencies. Gifts and grants also come from individuals, congregations, foundations and other sources. Supporters of the WCRC help make a difference in the world by donating to specific funds and scholarships, as well as to the organization as a whole.
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