WCRC joins declaration to overcome Reformation divisions

by Stephen Brown The World Communion of Reformed Churches has formally joined an ecumenical statement with Roman Catholics, Lutherans and Methodists aiming to overcome divisions between Protestants and Roman Catholics from the time of the Protestant Reformation. “Today is a historic day,” said Jerry Pillay, president of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC), at […]
Council receives newly commissioned psalm with a standing ovation

By Amy Eckert. Photo by Anna Siggelkow. Aus Tiefer Not (“From Deep Distress”), a new psalm commissioned by the WCRC for the occasion of its 2017 General Council in Leipzig, made its world premiere at the Nikolaikirche Tuesday, 4 July. The composition was created by collaborators Geonyong Lee and Cord Meijering and drew a standing […]
LWF and WCRC sign the Wittenberg Witness, as WCRC joins JDDJ

“In the pursuit of communion and common witness” In an ecumenical worship service, held in the City Church in Wittenberg today, the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) and The Lutheran World Federation (LWF) signed the Wittenberg Witness, a common statement affirming their common call to continued renewal and cooperation on the occasion of the […]
Witnessing to the unity of the church from Wittenberg

We will be live streaming a very special ecumenical service from the City Church in Wittenberg beginning at 10 a.m. this morning. At the service both our Association agreement to the JDDJ and the Wittenberg Witness will be signed. Watch the livestream on Facebook Download the liturgy to the service Download the Wittenberg Witness Download […]